Refreshed Basesix Brochure

a group of brochures


Meet Basesix

Basesix is a full-service technology integration company offering consulting, design, engineering, installation, and service of commercial building systems. When the team needed a refreshed corporate brochure to educate prospects, Conspire stepped in to craft succinct copy supported by a slick layout.

Basesix’s Goals

  • Educate prospective clients about services & capabilities

  • Maintain unity across branded collateral

Conspire Approach

a brochure with text and images

Based on content from Basesix’s website, Conspire curated copy and outlined a cohesive layout to communicate a few core ideas: company background, values, and capabilities. This refreshed structure leads readers through the story of Basesix and concludes with a call to action to encourage prospects to take the next step and start their latest tech project.

They have strong brand messaging. They have a passionate team. Now, they also have an effective sales tool to close more projects and amplify their story.


CONSPIRE builds brands on purpose. We infuse strategy with emotion, forming brands and telling stories that CONnect people to purpose and inSPIRE them to move.

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